Saturday, November 30, 2019
Women And Honor Essay Analysis Example For Students
Women And Honor Essay Analysis Death foIs it glorious to die for your country?. This question has been posed to many young people about to embark on war although the answer has usually been yes in response to their country due mainly to the fact that the government instills it in the people of the country to support ones country and one way is to send young abled bodied men into the army. If you were one individual that was not in favour of fighting for your country you would surely become an outcast by the countries people. To avoid ridicule and becoming outcasted by the people living around you, you would join the army just in the thought that you were obligated to for the sole sake of your country. Such thoughts were reinforced by the government promotion of propaganda. Glorifying death is not needed to be taught and should be up to the sole individual. School systems should teach an unbiased point of view of war to enable the child to make their own decision to fight for ones country. Within the education syst em it was instructed to the teachers to teach the children at a young age during the brink of war to instill that their the life of the country and for them to defend their country against the enemy. Teachers showed being in a army was representing honour and the pride of the country. Guilt was laid on the students who showed rebellion by the teacher. Many times the teacher would try to show a soldier that looks happy and content trying to represent being a soldier makes you happy and content. We will write a custom essay on Women And Honor Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Many young inexperienced soldiers were sent to training camps near the battle fields that they would soon be sent to fight, for their country and their life. The training camps were situated on similar enviroments that resembled the battle fields of where the fighting would take place. Reinforced displine to the young and ignorant men. Trench warfare is when many soldiers of opposing countries fight against each other across a vast desolate, dirt covered land, and the only sense of cover was to crouch in a usually water logged trench. The sense of death engulfed your very soul, the conezt bombardment of shells echo in your mind long after it had ceased. On the Western front conditions were horrible to say the least, stench of death remained coneztly in the air, bodies riddled with bullet wounds lay across the bottoms of the trenches, dismembered bodies scattered across the landscape and the sounds of agonizing and dying men echo across the battle grounds. Very limited rations offering very little in flavour was the only food available to the soldiers. Often raining, it caused muddy, damp conditions. The men staying in a trench filled with water and muddy conditions often caused such diseases as trench foot and trench mouth. Contagious diseases were spread quickly. Lack of cleaniness gave many soldiers lice and rats would run through the trenches feeding on the garbage and human wastes. Thousands of soldiers would line up under the cover of their trenches for a stretch of miles and wait for the leading officer to give the signal for the charge. When the signal was given the thousands of soldiers would all try to run across the no-mans land to attempt the breach of the enemies trench. This charge would be under conezt machine gun fire and mortar shelling by the enemy. These kind of attacks usually failed maily due to the fact the odds were already stacked against the attacking party. The diezces the charging men had to run to get to the enemies trench was far enough for the enemy to use its conezt shelling and its machine gun fire to dwindle the attacking army significant enough for the attacking army to retreat. .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf , .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf .postImageUrl , .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf , .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf:hover , .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf:visited , .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf:active { border:0!important; } .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf:active , .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6ee751a847e7c04c34ec21f15d009ccf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Declaration Of Independence EssayCounter attacks were quickly attempted after the attacks. The counter attacks were similiar to the actual attacks except the difference was that the counter attack involved the killing of the retreating of the enemy instead of attacking someone under the cover of the trench. During the war all soldiers were affected either physically or phsycologically. Shell shock was an ongoing sickness affecting many soldiers in the trenches. The conezt bombardment of mortar shelling became so defeaning and monotonous the sounds of shelling remained with the soldier even when there was no shelling. Such cases became so severe for some the soldier would g o in fits of rage and fear at the very same ineztance. Virtually all soldiers felt homesick at one time or another. The soldiers being out on the battle fronts for a long time soon forgot the propaganda beliefs the country had instilled the soldiers, instead the soldiers just wanted to survive their tour of duty however long it would be. Death had been experienced and seen by the soldiers on the front for a long time that the themes had become relative to their daily life on the front. Coming back to their homes the soldiers had received and learned of a new perpective on war. It was that when face to face with death the political beliefs that were held were irrevalant when trying to survive in the war. Glorification of death is ridiculous unless you were being attacked and threat of death was present that would be another story but to die for a something many miles away is something that the individual must take in consideration in when making his or her decision. I personally woul d not risk death if friends and family were not at risk. Since our country has become less militarized since WWII the need for military personnel has not been as necessary. But as mentioned before if the country I lived was under a threat of takeover I believe I would take up arms to defend against the people who would try to attack. Other than that the physcological and physical damages soldiers endure would deter me from joining any army.r Your Country
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Chemistry Abbreviations Starting with the Letter R
Chemistry Abbreviations Starting with the Letter R Chemistry abbreviations and acronyms are common in all fields of science. This collection offers common abbreviations and acronyms beginning with the letter R used in chemistry and chemical engineering.Ã °R - degrees RankineR - Arginine amino acidR - Chiral center for R/S systemR - functional group or side chain of atoms variableR - ResistanceR - Ideal Gas ConstantR - ReactiveR - ReduxR - RÃ ¶ntgen unitR - Rydberg ConstantR-# - Refrigerant numberRa - RadiumRA - Retinoic AcidRACHEL - Remote Acess Chemical Hazards Electronic Libraryrad - radianrad - Radiation - Absorbed DoseRad - RadioactiveRb - RubidiumRBA - Rutherford Backscattering AnalysisRBD - Refined, Bleached and DeodorizedRCS - Reactive Chemical SpeciesRDA - Recommended Daily AllowanceRDT - Recombinant DNA TechnologyRDX - cyclotrimethylenetrinitramineRDX - Research Department ExplosiveRE - Rare EarthRe - RheniumREACH - Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemical substancesREE - Rare Earth ElementRef - Referencerem - Radiation Equivalent - ManREM - Rare Earth MetalREQ - RequiredRER - Respiratory Exchange RatioRF - Radio FrequencyRF - Resonance FrequencyRf - RutherfordiumRFIC - Reagent-Free Ion ChromatographyRFM - Relative Formula MassRG - Rare GasRg - RoentgeniumRH - Relative HumidityRh - RhodiumRH - Rydberg Constant for HydrogenRHE - Reversible Hydrogen ElectrodeRHIC - Relativistic Heavy Ion ColliderRHS - Right Hand SideRI - Radical InitiatorRIO - Red IronOxideRL - Reaction LevelRMM - Relative Molar MassRMS - Root Mean SquareRn - RadonRNA - RiboNucleic AcidRNS - Reactive Nitrogen SpeciesRO - Red OxideRO - Reverse OsmosisROHS - Restriction Of Hazardous SubstancesROS - Reactive Oxygen SpeciesROWPU - Reverse Osmosis Water Purification UnitRPM - Revolutions Per MinuteRPT - RepeatRSC - Royal Society of ChemistryRT - Reverse TranscriptaseRT - Room TemperatureRT - Energy (Rydberg Constant x Temperature)RTP - Room Temperature and PressureRTM - Read The ManualRTSC - Room Temperature Super ConductorRu - Ruthenium
Friday, November 22, 2019
African American History and Women Timeline 1860-1869
African American History and Women Timeline 1860-1869 [Previous] [Next] Women and African American History: 1860-1869 1860 founded in 1832 and accepting male and female, white and black students, by 1860 Oberlin College had a student population that was one-third African American 1861 Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, autobiography of Harriet Jacobs, was published, including descriptions of the sexual exploitation of female slaves Laura Towne, from Pennsylvania, went to the Sea Islands off the coast of South Carolina to teach the former slaves she ran a school in the Sea Islands until 1901, adopting several African American children with her friend and teaching partner, Ellen Murray 1862 Charlotte Forten arrived in the Sea Islands to work with Laura Towne, teaching former slaves Mary Jane Patterson, graduating from Oberlin College, was the first African American woman to graduate from an American college Congress abolished slavery in Washington, DC (July 16) Ida B. Wells (Wells-Barnett) born (muckraking journalist, lecturer, activist, anti-lynching writer and activist) (July 13-17) many New York African Americans killed in draft riots (September 22) Emancipation Proclamation issued, freeing slaves within territory controlled by the Union 1863 Fanny Kemble published Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation which opposed slavery and served as anti-slavery propaganda Memoir of Old Elizabeth a Coloured Woman published: autobiography of an African Methodist Episcopal evangelist Susie King Taylor, African American army nurse with the Union army, began writing her journal, later published as In Reminiscences of My Life in Camp: Civil War Nurse Mary Church Terrell born (activist, clubwoman) 1864 Rebecca Ann Crumple graduated from the New England Medical College, becoming the first African American woman M.D. 1865 slavery ended in the United States with the passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution à American Equal Rights Associationà founded byà Elizabeth Cady Stanton,à Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, Lucy Stone, and others, to work for equal rights for African Americans and women the group split in 1868 over which group (women or African American men) should take priority à Charlotte Fortenà published Life on the Sea Islands about her teaching experiences as an African American northerner who went south to teach former slaves sculptorà Edmonia Lewisà produced a bust of Robert Gould Shaw, who led black troops in the Civil War (March 9) Mary Murray Washington born (educator, founder of the Tuskegee Womans Club, wife of Booker T. Washington) (April 11)à Mary White Ovingtonà born (social worker, reformer, NAACP founder) (-1873) many women teachers, nurses, and physicians went to the South to help former slaves by founding schools and providing other services, as part of the Freedmens Bureau effort or as missionaries with religious or more secular organizations 1866 President Andrew Johnson vetoed funding for and extension of the Freedmens Bureau, but Congress overrode the veto à Old Elizabethà died 1867 Rebecca Cole graduated from medical school, the second African American woman to do so. She went on to work withà Elizabeth Blackwellà in New York. à Edmonia Lewisà created sculpture Forever Free communicating the response of African Americans when they heard of the end of slavery (July 15)à Maggie Lena Walkerà born (banker, executive) (December 23) Sarah Breedlove Walker (Madam C.J. Walker) born 1868 à 14th Amendmentà to the US Constitition granted US citizenship to African American men for the first time explicitly defining US citizens as male. Attitudes towards the importance of this change split the American Equal Rights Association within the year. Much later, the 14th Amendment became the basis for variousà equal protectionà cases advocating for womens rights. Elizabeth Keckley, dressmaker and confidante of Mary Todd Lincoln, published her autobiography,à Behind the Scenes; or, Thirty Years a Slave and Four Years in the White House sculptorà Edmonia Lewisà producedà Hagar in the Wilderness 1869 biographyà Harriet Tubman: The Moses of Her Peopleà by Sarah Bradford published; proceeds funded a home for the elderly founded byà Harriet Tubman à National Woman Suffrage Associationà founded (NWSA), withà Elizabeth Cady Stantonà as first president (November) American Woman Suffrage Association founded (AWSA), with Henry Ward Beecher as first president [Previous] [Next] [1492-1699] [1700-1799] [1800-1859] [1860-1869] [1870-1899] [1900-1919] [1910-1919] [1920-1929] [1930-1939] [1940-1949] [1950-1959] [1960-1969] [1970-1979] [1980-1989] [1990-1999] [2000-]
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Information for proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Information for proposal - Essay Example Note that the question on this matter but the results will differ because something has affected the respondents' knowledge and awareness. There might be some possible changes on the answer of the respondents but there are cases that their perceptions are not affected at all. For a case study on child's rights, a survey can be done on the spot with the kids. This serves as the pre-test. Later on, after letting them watch a video clipping about child's rights, a post-test survey can be done to determine if their awareness has been changed. Non- equivalent comparison this simply refers to the data obtained from different period or time interval without the specific limits or lapses. The data can be obtained whether in a three-year, four- year or five- year intervals instead of taking it in a specific 100-year interval. Time series analysis is the comparison of data represented in a time series. It includes almost all classes of statistical approaches and problems: data description, hypothesis testing , parameter estimation , regression , etc. The practical importance of time series analysis stems from the fact that time series data - economic, social, sport, physical, etc. - are quite common. Experimental is a kind ... This serves as the pre-test. Later on, after letting them watch a video clipping about child's rights, a post-test survey can be done to determine if their awareness has been changed. Time series data are measurements of a variable taken at regular intervals over time. Time series are represented as sequences of values like x(1), x(2), ... . The time line of invention and innovation for modern transport may be as follows: Stage coach Train Car Plane Rocket Space ship ____________________________________________________ 1800 1900 2000 Non- equivalent comparison this simply refers to the data obtained from different period or time interval without the specific limits or lapses. The data can be obtained whether in a three-year, four- year or five- year intervals instead of taking it in a specific 100-year interval. Time series analysis is the comparison of data represented in a time series. It includes almost all classes of statistical approaches and problems: data description, hypothesis testing , parameter estimation , regression , etc. The practical importance of time series analysis stems from the fact that time series data - economic, social, sport, physical, etc. - are quite common. Experimental is a kind of research design conducted to answer questions about causes and effects. The basic requirements are; a) random assignment, b) treatment and no-treatment groups, c) observations after the treatment. The following notations are used in describing the different experimental designs: X=stands for an experimental treatment, or an independent variable or a cause O=stands for observation, or a dependent variable, or an effect R=means that the respondents have been randomly assigned to the different treatment or non-
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Budget analysis assignment Ctiy of Lebanon Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Budget analysis Ctiy of Lebanon - Assignment Example The process of managing the financial statements includes the design, implementation, and the maintenance of the internal control that has relevance during preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements. The financial statements need to be free from any material mistreatment, irrespective of error or fraud. In June 30, 2014, the total net position of the Lebanon City did amount to $44,799,068. Pert of this amount, $27,614,924 was subject to invest in the capital assets, which was net of the related debt. The remaining balance that was including of $9,449,690 was subject to restrict for various purposes, and the remaining $7,734,454 was of the unrestricted net position. The basic financial statement of the Lebanon City comprises three components. These are government-wide financial statements, the fund financial statements, and notes to the financial statements. The government-wide financial statements are with the design of providing readers with the broad overview of the Cityââ¬â¢s finances through a manner that is similar to the private-sector business. The over time increase or the decreases in the net position may be useful tools for indicating whether the Cityââ¬â¢s financial position is on the improving or the deteriorating track. The business-type of activities that the City engages in may include water, sewer, and the storm drainage services. The fund financial statements are with the design of demonstrating the compliance with the related finance legal requirements while overseeing the use of fund accounting. All of the funds of the Lebanon City can be subject to divide to three categories, namely the governmental funds, property fu nds, and the fiduciary funds. Just as earlier mentioned, the net position may be helpful at serving over time as being the useful indicator when it comes to the Cityââ¬â¢s financial position. The total assets of the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Elephantiasis Disorder Essay Example for Free
Elephantiasis Disorder Essay Elephantiasis is usually caused by obstructions in the lymphatic system. It causes a swelling in the skin and tissues, generally in the lower trunk and the legs. It is most likely seen in the legs and genitals, causing baggy, thick and ulcerated skin, accompanied by fever and chills. Limbs can swell so much that they will resemble an elephants front leg in size, texture and even color. Elephantiasis has two main forms. Lymphatic filariasis is the most common form, caused by a parasitic disease just from a bite from a little infected mosquito. This form of Elephantiasis is caused by a parasite, most commonly called roundworms. The parasite blocks the lymphatic vessels, inhibiting their ability to drain the affected area. This disease can be very painful and will most likely impact the individualââ¬â¢s ability to lead a normal life. A severe case can block blood vessels, which will limit the blood flow to the skin causing inflammation and possible gangrenous. Elephantiasis is recognized as the second leading cause of disability worldwide because of its physical and psychological impact to the affected individual. An economic burden is also a huge issue, although treatments are available, those who are affected are usually from the poor community so they cannot afford the drugs to help cure them. The physical impact is very obvious to the infected because of the edema. It makes it very difficult for them to move around to do their daily activities. Most will have thickening skin and a very strong body odor. Because of these symptoms they usually are unemployed making life a struggle for money. Elephantiasis is known to be a disease of poverty because it is endemic to poor tropical countries. It is a public health and socio-economic problem worldwide. It affects 120 million people in over 80 countries. The disease is prevalent in urban and rural areas affecting people of all ages and sexes.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Friendly Friar :: essays research papers
The Friendly Friar à à à à à In the drama Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Friar Lawrence is a kind, knowledgeable, peacekeeping, and wise character. He also acts as a foil to the Montaques, Capulets, and the nurse. He is a priest to both the Montaque and Capulet houses. He is a well-liked person in the town of Verona. The Friar is a positive figure in the community and serves as a good role model for the children of Verona. à à à à à Friar Lawrence is wise, educated kind, and peace loving. When Romeo comes to tell Friar Lawrence about his engagement the Friar offers many wise pieces of advice. Such as when he says that young men's love lies in their eyes he means for Romeo to make sure he loves Juliet for who she is and not how she looks. He also tells Romeo that women may fall when there is no strength in men. This means that if he is not stable and constant Juliet may become inconstant herself. His knowledge of Greek mythology and his great understanding of plants show Friar Lawrence's high level of education. When he is collecting plants in the beginning of scene three he speaks of the Greek god Titan. His reference to Titan shows he has had some background in mythology. Friar Lawrence also has a vast knowledge of plants and flowers. Friar Lawrence grows a magnificent garden which he tends to during the time in which he is not fulfilling his church duties. He speaks to Romeo about a plant t hat can be used for healing or as poison. This discussion leads into a speech by Friar Lawrence about people having a good side and a bad side like the flower he spoke of. This suggests that he has a background in philosophy. The friar is also very kind and peace loving. He is speaks to Romeo as if they are best friends and Romeo seems to really enjoy being around the friar. They laugh, joke, and discuss Romeo's love life showing that Romeo is very comfortable around the friar. The friar is an all-around good guy. à à à à à In the drama Friar Lawrence acts as a foil to both the Capulets and the Montaques. The two houses show no signs of attempting to make peace with one another they don't even seem to really know what their feud is about. Friar Lawrence states that he hopes the marriage of Romeo and Juliet will bring an end to their quarrel.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Hard Times as a Moral Fable Essay
The creative part is the fairy tale which often involves animals rather than humans. It speaks to our hearts as it entertains us; the ending is the logical, moral conclusion that satisfies our logical brains and seems ââ¬Å"rightâ⬠. The problem with all moral fables is that there are often 2 sides to the same story â⬠¦ things are rarely so black and white in reality â⬠¦ so there could be more than one ending â⬠¦ e. g. here are times when speed is necessary over steadiness ââ¬â of course, there also has to be good judgement. Although it is not appropriate to describe a work of art, which Hard Times undoubtedly is, as a moral fable or a morality play, yet the fact remains that there is a strong moral intention behind this novel. Hard Times is a satirical attack on some of the evils and vices of Victorian society. Satire has always corrective purpose and is therefore basically moral in its approach to the subjects it deals with. Apart from that, there are passages of direct moralising in this novel. Hard Times is a novel which from the moment of its publication aroused very different sentiments in the reading public. Dickensââ¬â¢s reasons for writing Hard Times were mostly monetary. Sales of his weekly periodical, Household Words, were low, and he hoped the inclusion of this novel in instalments would increase sales. Since publication it has received a mixed response from a diverse range of critics, such as F. R.à Leavis, George Bernard Shaw, and Thomas Macaulay, mainly focusing on Dickensââ¬â¢s treatment of trade unions and his post-Industrial Revolution pessimism regarding the divide between Capitalist mill owners and undervalued workers during the Victorian era The novel was written as a weekly serial story to run through five months of his magazine, Household Words, during 1854. Sales were highly responsive and encouraging for Dickens who remarked that he was ââ¬Å"Three parts mad, and the fourt h delirious, with perpetual rushing at Hard Timesâ⬠. Dickens had to force his story to fit the exigencies of a Procrustean bed and, in doing so, sacrificed the abundance of life characteristic of his genius. That, at any rate, was the general view of Hard Times until in 1948 F. R. Leavis, in his book The Great Tradition, suggested that it was a ââ¬Ëmoral fable,ââ¬â¢ the hallmark of a moral fable being that ââ¬Ëthe intention is peculiarly insistent, so that the representative significance of everything in the fable ââ¬â character, episode, and so on ââ¬â is immediately apparent as we read. By seeing it as a moral fable, Dr. Leavis produced a brilliant rereading of Hard Times that has changed almost every criticââ¬â¢s approach to the novel. Yet a difficulty still remains: the nature of the target of Dickensââ¬â¢ satire. Both Gradgrind and Bounderby are emblematic, to the point of caricature, of representative early-nineteenth-century attitudes. Dickens tells us that Gradgrind has ââ¬Ëan unbending, utilitarian, matter-of-fact faceââ¬â¢; and the novel has been taken as an attack on the philosophical doctrine known as utilitarianism, the doctrine that the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the guiding principle of conduct But utilitarianism can also mean the doctrine that utility must be the standard of what is good for man. Perhaps the two meanings come together in the famous Victorian phrase, ââ¬Ëenlightened self-interest,ââ¬â¢ the meaning of which will turn entirely upon the definition of ââ¬Ëenlightened. Utilitarianism in the philosophical sense, as taught by the noble-minded John Stuart Mill, has had a profound and abiding influence on Western life and thought, and Dickens was certainly not competent to criticise it as a philosophical system. But if he was no philosopher, nor even a trained mind, he was something as valuable: ââ¬Ëan astonishing diagnostician of life,ââ¬â¢ as D. H. Lawrence has been called. ââ¬ËHis sensitive nose could smell death a mile away. ââ¬Ë And it is precisely those elements of nineteenth-century economic thinking that denied life which he is attacking in Hard Times. He is, in other words, continuing his attack on what may be called the statistical conception of man, on human relations evaluated in terms of arithmetic, on what Thomas Carlyle called the ââ¬Ëcash nexusââ¬â¢ that he had launched at the beginning of his career in Oliver Twist. There he had traced its consequences in official attitudes towards poverty and in the working of the New Poor Law In order to give a concrete shape to his moral purpose, dickens in this novel uses the characters here as symbols. Almost every character in this novel is an embodiment of a certain idea or concept or principle, good or bad. In fact, there are two groups of symbolic characters: one group symbolizing certain objectionable features of Victorian life, and the other group symbolizing certain moral qualities, of which we heartily approve. These two groups of characters, symbolizing opposite principle, are confronted with each other and it is this confrontation that constitutes the focus of interest in the novel. The characters here are therefore like the ââ¬Ëdramatis personaeââ¬â¢ in a morality play; there is an allegorical intention behind the character-portrayal. However, this novel is different from a moral fable or morality play in one striking respect. While the characters in amoral fable or a morality play are purely embodiments of certain qualities, good or bad; in this novel the characters, in addition to their function as symbols of certain good or bad qualities, are also individuals in their own right. Each character here is made to live as a separate individual, sharply distinguished from the other; yet their symbolic roles cannot be questioned. Coketown itself is treated as a symbol in the novel. This industrial town represents the industrial ugliness, industrial callousness, the mechanical and monotonous life which the workmen or the ââ¬Å"handsâ⬠are compelled to lead under a system governed by utilitarianism and laissez faire. All the passages which describe this town or its people are written in an ironical vein and have an obvious moral purpose. In the main, however, the best writing in Hard Times is a result of this tour-guide mentality, as his wonder, horror and awe lead to vivid evocations of the landscape. Many critics have made the link between Coketown and a kind of Dantesque Inferno, and his vision of industrial society is ââ¬Å"full of horror, but possessing also a weird beautyâ⬠. The key to the weird beauty latent in the horror are the ââ¬Ëmelancholy mad elephantsââ¬â¢ of machinery ââ¬â Dickens was as fascinated by industry as he was repulsed by it. The industrial artefacts of Coketown are endowed with all the life drained from its inhabitants, the dehumanised ââ¬Ëhandsââ¬â¢. Like Marx, Dickens could see an ââ¬Å"inverted world characterised by the personification of thingsâ⬠and as a result the inanimate objects of Coketown abound with vitality, while the people within it are cogs in a machine, ââ¬Å"people equally like one another, who all went in and out at the same hours, with the same sound upon the same pavements, to do the same work, and to whom everyday was the same as yesterday and tomorrow, and every year the counterpart of the last and the nextâ⬠. Treating the factory as a living thing leads to mental links being forged between the ever coiling ââ¬Å"interminable serpents of smokeâ⬠and the smokescreens that people use to hide themselves from the world, or indeed the world from them, most notably Gradgrinds inability to see past his system, and Bounderbyââ¬â¢s deliberate hiding of his past. There are also links made between the fire in the ââ¬Å"fairy palacesâ⬠and the fire of human passion, and aptly it is the mechanical Louisa who notices this, most likely fascinated at how a non-living thing has more life than she does ââ¬â ââ¬Å"There seems to be nothing but languid and monotonous smoke. Yet when the night comes, Fire bursts out, father! â⬠[I, xv]. Not only is this reversal of death and life hellish, but these descriptions of zombie workers in a living factory are written in a prophetic style which almost invites one to place an ââ¬ËAbandon hope all ye who enter here! sign on the factory gates. All of the images of smoke, ashes, and fire ââ¬Å"suggest that death is ever-present in the hell of Coketownâ⬠, as does the reference to the black ladder so often in use in the working class quarters [I, x]. Michael Wheeler points to the significance of Biblical imagery in the text, stating that the New Testament is the ââ¬Å"yardstick by its modern usurpers are measured and found wantingâ⬠, and that this is the ultimate condemnation that Dickens can heap upon it. However, I cannot help but feel that passages proclaiming that ââ¬Å"all those subtle essences of humanity which will elude the utmost cunning of algebra until the last trumpet ever to be sounded will blow even algebra to wreckâ⬠, while suggesting that Gradgrindery and the interlocking forces of industry are to be judged and condemned, they also make it clear that they will be left well enough alone until the Judgement Day. Coketown is painted as a hell on earth, consuming the lifeblood of its inhabitants, and the fact that it itself will be destroyed in the end is of monumental insignificance for the countless generations who will have to toil there until then. On the other hand The Circus is represented as a symbol of ââ¬Å"Humanityâ⬠as Well as Art. The circus is very important as a sybol in the scheme of this moral fable. The circus people symbolize not only art but also humanity: they are embodiments of those simple virtues of sympathy and helpfulness to others for which gradgrindââ¬â¢s philosophy has no use and Bounderbyââ¬â¢s hardened heart, no room. There is a remarkable gentleness about these people, a special inaptitude for any kind of sharp practice, and an untiring readiness to help and pity one another. The moral of this novel as a whole is put by dickens in the mouth of Mr. Sleary of the circus. After giving an account of the death of sissââ¬â¢s father to gradgrind, Mr. Sleary comes to the conclusion that there is a kind of love in the world which is not self-interest afterall, but something very different, and that this love has a way of its own of calculating or not calculating. This is the supreme message which the novel has for us. In these few words we find a condemnation of all that Gradgrind, Bounderby, and Mrs. Sparsit symbolize, and an acceptance and approval of what Stephen and Rachel, Sissy, and Mr. Sleary himself, symbolize. There are, thus, strong grounds for calling this novel a Moral fable or a morality play with the characters functioning partly as individuals but chiefly as symbols. Finally, there are passages of direct moralizing which lend to the novel the character of a novel fable or morality play. At one point, for instance, dickens warns the ââ¬Å"commissioners of factâ⬠and the utilitarian economists that if they do not attend to the instincts and emotions of the poor people, reality will take a wolfish turn and make an end of everything. At another point Dickens offers an ironic commentary, with an obvious moral, upon the effects of Gradgrindââ¬â¢s system of education on Bitzerââ¬â¢s outlook. And then, of course, there is a plain and straightforward maoralizing in the final chapter when the author comments upon the ultimate fate of each of the characters.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Psychopharmacology Paper Essay
The study of psychopharmacology delves into the alterations in human thinking, mood, and behavior as result of inducing drugs ââ¬â how psychoactive substances are employed by people to change their moods.à The field involves research and study into the effects of numerous kinds and types of substances, and how it would impact on the psychological behavior of the individual. à Not merely elaborating the ramifications of the use of recreational drugs, the study can be a particularly helpful mechanism in determining how certain drugs can alleviate psychological diseases, like mental disorder.à The substancesââ¬â¢ psychoactive relation with brain response and the bio-chemical implications are part and parcel of psychopharmacology.à The psychoactive drugs can be obtained from a wide range of sources, natural and synthetic. These substances interact with the nervous system, and would elicit behavioral and psychological alterations in an individual. à à à à à à à à à à à The positive aspects of psychopharmacology are mainly its positive clinical effects that allow people with mental disabilities to lead lives that are normal ââ¬â through the help of drugs like anti-depressants and anti-anxiety.à Also, it allows psychologists to investigate a wide range of behavior-altering substances that can be utilized for clinical purposes that can help countless patients.à Since psychopharmacology would extensively analyze drug effects, then it can suitably identify which substances can be utilized for public use and cure mental and psychological patients. It is an important aspect of mental health that allows for research and development of the field. à à à à à à à à à à à Conversely, the study has also several identified drawbacks, like the ramifications of drug testing which ultimately would involve humans.à Human testing can have unforeseen implications which can prove to be detrimental to the mental health of the test subject.à A certain drug to be able to be consumed in the market has to go through a tedious process of research and approval by the government, to ensure public safety of the drug use. References Brain, Christine. (2002). Advanced Psychology: Applications, Issues and Perspectives. United Kingdom: Nelson Thornes. Meyer, Jerrold, and Linda Quenzer. (2004). Psychopharmacology: Drugs, The Brain and Behavior. United States: Sinauer Associates. Nemeroff, Charles, and Alan Schatzberg. Eds. (2006). Essentials of Clinical Psychopharmacology. United States: American Psychiatric Publishing.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Abraham Isaac Essay Example
Abraham Isaac Essay Example Abraham Isaac Essay Abraham Isaac Essay In this classical piece of art. there is a connexion with the scriptural narrative of Abraham staying to Godââ¬â¢s bid. Abraham is commanded to give his one and merely boy. Take your boy. your lone boy Isaac. whom you love. and travel to the land of Moriah. and offer him at that place as a burnt-offering on one of the mountains that I shall demo you. ( Genesis 22:1-2 ) And so the image depicts the last minutes of Abraham and his boy. where Abraham is about to do the greatest forfeit ; hence. God sends down an Angel to halt him and bless him afterwards for demoing great religion. Because you have done this. and have non withheld your boy. your lone boy. I will so bless you. and I will do your offspring every bit legion as the stars of Eden and as the sand that is on the seashoreâ⬠¦ said the Lord ( Genesis 22:15 ) By analysing the picture. we can separate the characters and find the scene. harmonising with the narrative of Abraham giving Isaac. First. there are three of import characters in the picture that are drawn in great item. The first character we can place is Abraham who is in the centre of the image. where all the action is go oning. We can state that Abraham is the 1 who is keeping the knife in his dominant manus ready to do forfeit. with Isaac on the tabular array. The chief character Abraham. is have oning bright colourss of ruddy and violet. known to be royal colourss and revered. Abraham is besides clothed to the full from top to bottom demoing small tegument. The Angel in the background is have oning a bright white garment clothed from top to bottom. We can state that the Angel is reding Abraham because Abrahamââ¬â¢s attending is towards this Angel. We know this is an angel who came down from heaven because of the white wings on its dorsum and how it is levitating from the land. And know that Isaac is on the tabular array because of how immature he looks and small he is clothed. I besides identified how guiltless they are by detecting the tegument tone in each character. Abraham is the darkest because of his life experience and approach of old age. the Angel has a mild tone after Abraham. and so there is Isaac who is palest of them all. I besides interpreted their degree of adulthood by the colour of their hair. Abraham being the oldest holding white hair. the Angel holding mild brown hair. and Isaac being the youngest with healthy dark. black hair. Looking at the place of the characters we can besides picture the hierarchy degrees in each character. Angel remains on the highest land. so Abraham. and so Isaac. I find it peculiarly interesting to happen the lamb being on higher evidences than Isaac. this could be to demo the importance of this animate being that is chosen to be sacrificed for God. Before Abraham is to do his forfeit. he kneels before the wooden communion table remaining close to his boy. We can pick up senses that the male parent has a loving relationship for his boy. There are besides emotions in these characters. Abraham exhibits unhappiness and concern in his facial look. Isaac has a helpless. sad look. where he knows his terminal will come by his ain fatherââ¬â¢s custodies. What I find diverting the most is that in this picture. Isaac may hold knew he was traveling to be the sacrificial lamb. I believe Isaac knew from the point when he asked his male parent where the lamb for burnt-offering was. I conclude that he knew of this because the manner he is tied up. Isaac is non tied up by the pess. nor is his custodies tied to the tabular array. If Isaac truly wanted to run off he couldââ¬â¢ve easy done so. Alternatively Isaac accepted the fact that he was traveling to be sacrificed and so he did non fight. Next. the scenery helps us place the scene of the scriptural history on Abraham giving Isaac. The image background clearly identifies that the giving takes topographic point in a mountain. In the background there is big land below their lift observing how high this is taking topographic point. With the inside informations in the image we can state that the scene took topographic point in a dark fly-by-night country. This image besides exhibits the clip of season. around the clip of autumn because there are losing foliages on the subdivisions. On the right underside corner there is moss turning on stones. and moss merely grows in moist and fly-by-night countries. With the inside informations of the moss and dark colourss we can acquire a sense of dark ambiance of something is non right in the image. The location of the Sun and the angle of the shadow on the land below do non match with each other. The country where itââ¬â¢s brightest above the Angelââ¬â¢s finger can really stand for God or the Heavens above. The Sun should be more towards our left in forepart of the characters where the light radiances on the tree and the characters. Besides the subdivisions and the angle of this picture show that it is indicating to the West. I can merely reason that the ground to indicating to the West has to make something with the Sun lifting in the West and puting in the East. Even the Angel and the lamb are looking to the West while Abraham and Isaac is the lone 1 in the image looking to the East. In decision. I can theorize from the inside informations in the picture that it interprets the scriptural text of the Lord proving Abraham to give his ain boy. This painting exhibits a subject of fright. Abraham fears the Lord and so he chooses to prosecute Godââ¬â¢s bid by free will. Isaac shows fear in his facial look but does non fight for his life.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Business Economics for Sustainable Living
Sustainability has some main pillars or rather aspects and these aspects were identified in the year 2005 during the world summit on social development. These aspects contribute to the social science and philosophy of sustainable development. These aspects have formed the backbone of dealing with the main areas that the world focuses on. As described by Brundtland mission, sustainability is a development aspect which meets the present needs with no promise of the future generationsââ¬â¢ abilities in meeting their needs (Holden and Linnerud, p 175). Therefore the future has to be considered while making present decisions. The main two aspects include economic development ad environment aspects. Most people have had disagreements based on political ideologies regarding what is and is not economically sound. It has thus proven to be very problematic. The manner in which this aspect affects business, jobs and employability is also still a debatable issue. Economic development mostly deals with the process of how business incentives are provided in situations where such businesses and other organizations are supposed to adhere to the sustainable guidelines that are found beyond their normal requirements for legislation (Ellis and Moarif, p 11). This aspect also encourages and fosters incentives for an average person in which they are able to do their activities to the much they can. Itââ¬â¢s seen that an individual may not achieve as much as a group would have because for some effects to be felt they have to be cumulative. The consumer nature of the supply and demand market has made the need for many resources in the modern life to be very high on a daily basis. From the environmental aspect what matters most is how we get whatever that needs to be consumed. Therefore if people are given whatever they want with no promise to the quality of life then this is referred to as economic development. This is more relevant in the developing countries where reduction in the financial burden and the ââ¬Ëred tapeââ¬â¢ of doing things right is still a big issue to deal with (Chan and Lee, p 249). For economic sustainability to be felt the human munity in the globe should be able to sustain their independence and gain access to the required resources as well as finances so as to meet their needs with ease. The systems of economy ought to be intact and all the activities be made available to everyone for instance their needs to be sources of livelihood that are secure enough. The economic sustainability is involved with ensuring that businesses in place are able to make profits and their operations do not in any way create environmental and social issues which are likely to harm the success of the business which may be envisioned to be long-term.à If any nation focuses on environmental and social issues the profitability of the economy will definitely flow. This is because most of the social initiatives tend to have a great impact on the behaviors of modity consumers as well as the performance of employees (Perrini, Russo and Tencati, p 291). On the other hand environmental initiatives like efficiency in energy supply and mitigation of pollution has a direct impact on waste reduction creating a good environment for the economy. Most people know what they need to do to protect the environment and especially from pollution. However the small things that have been neglected are some of key contributors to environmental pollution and thus loss in terms of sustainability. Such things like recycling, reduction in power consumption through switching off power when not in use, walking some short distances as opposed to using vehicles if assumed can lead to great environmental destruction. There are regulations for businesses in which they are supposed to keep the carbon emissions low as well as prevent pollution. Incentives exists which promote projects for installing power sources that are renewable in businesses and homes. This aspect is thus the main concern regarding the future of humanity (Dempsey, p 257). This aspect offers definition on how the environment should be protected and a lot of focus is placed on elements that seem to stress the environment. Itââ¬â¢s concerned with how technology can be used to drive a future that is green. The developments that focus on biotechnology and technology are important to attaining environmental sustainability and thus protect the future environment from any damage that may be caused by technological advances (UNPF, p 7). To attain environmental sustainability ecological integrity has to be maintained. The earthââ¬â¢s environmental systems need to be kept in balance and the natural resources in the environment need to be consumed by human beings at a rate in which they can replenish themselves. The systems and activities in place should also be able to reduce the impact of the environment on the environment. When it es to the resources that are renewable the rate at which they are harvested is not supposed to exceed the rate at which they regenerate back (Maslow, p 58). In relation to pollution the rate at which wastes are generated from the ongoing projects should not go beyond the capacity for assimilation by the environment. In case of the nonrenewable resources their depletion requires the development of substitutes that are renewable. Such goals include zero waste by the organization, reduction in the use of plastic bags and ing up with initiatives that reduce carbon footprint through management of energy consumption (Ebner, p 8). Some organizations like Nestle have identified the main priority areas regarding environmental sustainability such as agricultural raw materials, water, packaging that is specific to their beverages and food and manufacturing and distribution. In relation to energy use Verizon pany has initiatives that aim at environmental sustainability like the recycling of tel equipment and reduction in energy use through provision of flexible working conditions at work, it has also worked on reducingà intensity in carbon and getting some more efficient solutions to its fleet that is eco-friendly (Jackson, P 21). Therefore this environmental aspect aims at acknowledging the necessity o f enhancing and maintaining the biophysical systems which sustain life with a focus on the natural ecosystem structure and the interactions which exist among them. Innovative ideas have contributed a lot when it es to ensuring sustainability is achieved in different sectors such as environment, economic sector and even the social sector. Such innovations include; innovation from new light technologies have invented air carbon which is a plastic material that is carbon neutral produced from greenhouse gases such as methane (Eurostat P 15). This is used in the packaging and furniture industries in which it matches oil based plastics both in performance and price. This innovation has helped solve the issue of non biodegradable nature of plastic bags. High energy savings have also been archived by the use of view intelligent window. This window regulates the light and temperature of the room in which itââ¬â¢s used. Itââ¬â¢s been mainly designed for mercial buildings so as to eliminate the need for shades and blinds. Outerwall pany has recently introduced outerwallecoATM which is a network of recycling kiosks that are automated for the tech products (Jacobs P 36). Customers can easily follow simple steps and be able to recycle old tablets and phones and any other electronics and receive cash in exchange. Powwow energy is an innovation in which unnecessary losses of resources especially water are prevented. The powwow energy detects any water leaks from an irrigation system that is used in agriculture and informs the farmers immediately for repair. The Retroficiency software is designed to fight losses of energy in buildings. The data sets are used by Retroficiency to make suggestions on energy saving ideas for both businesses and homes. It works on the bination of both energy analytics and the models of buildings with the use of data that they get from the already existing energy audits to give out ideas relating to energy saving. The BioTrans system is used in restaurants where itââ¬â¢s installed to collect and grind any leftovers into a biomass that is homogenous (Jenks and Dempsey, P 175). There has been the invention of DessoThe AirMaster a form of carpet which is used to capture pollutant particles and fine dust from rooms thus providing healthier indoor climates. Itââ¬â¢s made of recycled carpets and proves to be better than the hardwood flooring when related to prevention of allergies. From the discussion above its evident that sustainability is not just matters environment but in the many definitions of sustainability we are able to find the concerns about social equity and the development of the economy. Itââ¬â¢s in this regard that the motivations behind sustainability are in most cases diverse, plex and personal. It is almost unrealistic for one to e up with a list as to why many people are working hard to achieve this goal. Thus sustainability in most cases boils down to the future the current generation is leaving for the next generation. These aspects of sustainability are therefore shared by many people who aim at demonstrating their importance in developing many policies. Itââ¬â¢s therefore the duty of the people in todayââ¬â¢s generation along with those of the future to create solutions that are adaptable and aim at fostering sustainability. When a pany chooses to define sustainability with the two aspects in mind then itââ¬â¢s easier to determine its own successful road that is sustainable. If any one of the aspects is weak or given less attention then the whole system of an organization may b e unsustainable since they are both interlinked.à Chan E, and Lee GKL. 2008. Critical factors for improving social sustainability of urban renewal projects. Social Indicators Research 85: 243ââ¬â256. Dempsey N. 2008b. Quality of the built environment in urban neighbourhoods. Planning Practice and Research 23: 249ââ¬â264. Ebner D. 2008. Assessing Corporate Social Responsibility in Industrial Firms: the CSR-Assessment. Pg 8. Montanuniversità ¤t Leoben Ellis, J. and Moarif, S., 2009. GHG mitigation actions: MRV issues and options. Draft for review. OECD/IEA Project for the Annex I Expert Group on the UNFCCC, 5-15 Eurostat, 2009. Measuring progress towards a more sustainable Europe. 2009 monitoring report of the EU sustainable development strategy. Pg 13-19. Office for Official Publications of the European munities, Luxembourg. Holden E, and Linnerud K. 2007. The sustainable development area: satisfying basic needs and safeguarding ecological sustainability. Sustainable Development 15: 174ââ¬â185. Jackson, T., 2009. Prosperity without growth? Transition to a sustainable economy. Sustainable Development mission, London p 21. Jacobs M. 1999. Sustainable development as a contested concept. In Fairness and Futurity: Essays on Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice, Dobson A (ed.). Oxford University Press: Oxford; 21ââ¬â45. Jenks M and Dempsey N. 2007. Defining the neighbourhood: challenges for empirical research. Town Planning Review 78: 153ââ¬â177. Maslow, H.A., 1968. Toward Psychology of Being, 3rd Edition 1999. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Pg 55-61. Perrini F, Russo A and Tencati A. 2007. CSR strategies of SMEs and large fi rms. Evidence from Italy. Journal of Business Ethics 74(3): 285ââ¬â300. UNPF (United Nations Population Fund). 2007. State of World Population 2007: Unleashing the Potential of Urban Growth. UNFPA: New York. Pg 4-10.Ã
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Week 6 Discussion Questions and Participation Questions Essay
Week 6 Discussion Questions and Participation Questions - Essay Example As a manager of a business I would optimize the utility of my human resources by investing in education and training. When employees improve their knowledge and skills they are able to produce more. The company can offer its employees a yearly education expense retainer between $5000-10000 a year. The money would reimburse the employees for educational expenses which include tuition, books, and other materials. Training is an effective wait to transmit knowledge to a large pool of participants in a short period of time. I have participated in company sponsored training initiatives. These trainings have helped me become a better professional through the acquisition of knowledge. My opinion is that the benefits of growth out weight the costs. Americans citizens enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world. Due to this prosperity millions of people come to the country legally and illegally in search of a better future for themselves and their families. China is an example of a country that has ripped the benefits of economic growth during the last 30 years. The economy of China has achieved double digit economy growth during the past three decades. There are some costs to economic growth. Humanity has to protect the environment and the natural resources. As a manager I would pay close attention to the concept of implicit and explicit costs. The most common implicit cost is opportunity costs. I would evaluate different alternatives or opportunities in order to determine which can increase the profitability of the company the most. Another concept from the article that I would use in my managerial career is that people response to incentive. To increase the revenues of the company I would sell the merchandise online. A price discount of 15% on online sales is a way to increase the revenues of the company. FedEx and UPS are having record high quarters ââ¬â I would interpret that the economy
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